Chrysler Yellow Warning Lights - Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) Warning Light
The warning light switches on and a message is displayed to indicate that the tire pressure is lower than the recommended value and/or that slow pressure loss is occurring. In these cases, optimal tire duration and fuel consumption may not be guaranteed. Should one or more tires be in the condition mentioned above, the display will show the indications corresponding to each tire.
Driving on a significantly under-inflated tire causes the tire to overheat and can lead to tire failure. Under-inflation also reduces fuel efficiency and tire tread life, and may affect the vehicle’s handling and stopping ability.
Your vehicle has also been equipped with a TPMS malfunction indicator to indicate when the system is not operating properly. The TPMS malfunction indicator is combined with the low tire pressure telltale. When the system detects a
malfunction, the telltale will flash for approximately one minute and then remain continuously illuminated.